About Mike
Mike Elfner was born in 1965 in Zurich, Switzerland. During his childhood he developed a strong fascination for nature and wildlife. When he bought his first camera at the age of 16, he became as passionate about photography.
Mike Elfner is an amateur photographer only as he is an IT professional heading a country unit of an IT Security solution provider.
“The ethics of photography are the same as the ethics of life, and all revolve around respect,” says National Geographic photographer Beverly Joubert.
Though there is no guidebook, there are a few basic principles that can help make the way clearer:
Do no harm
Keep it wild
Follow the laws
Consider the captive
Caption with honesty
Fore more details visit National Geographic, please.
Gear is not the most important thing in Nature & Wildlife photography, but it helps to use the right tool at the right moment.
Far more important is to know your gear. Know the possibilities and the limitations of your camera bodies and your lenses. Learn and practice to blindly control
your gear.
Mike Elfner actually uses the following gear:
Sony mirrorless camera (Sony Alpha A1)
Sony lenses from 24mm to 600mm, sometimes combined with a 1.4 tele converter
Heipi tripod
Mindshift Gear backpack